Webinar Marketing et Publicité

Morning marketing on Digital marketing

Langue(s) de l'événement
Event in English.

Tarif : Free of charge for members.


L'événement est terminé.

Growth and strengths of digital marketing, myths and common mistakes. How to think about online marketing strategy?

Thomas Bordier, SEO and data analysis expert, Exapro
Tomáš Vacek, partner at Contexto, online marketing agency

Topic of the workshop:

  • Myths about digital marketing
  • Digital solutions to be visible on the Web
  • Traffic sources
  • Online marketing strategy


8h30 Presentations
9h15 Discussion, questions
9h30 End

Language: English

Registration: The event is held online. Please register online and we will send you a link to join the event the day before the event.


Vacek TomášPartner at Contexto, online marketing agency

Bordier ThomasSEO and data analysis expert, Exapro