Webinar : QUO VADIS, Komerční banka
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L'événement est terminé.
Follow the debate with experts from Komerční banka on global economical impacts of the current situation.
In cooperation with Komerční banka.
Jan Vejmělek, Chief Economist and Head of Economic & Strategy Research
- The czech economic
- Global and local forex markets
Jana Steckerová, Economist
- Global and regional economic development
- Thematic analyses of the Central European region
Michal Brožka, Economist
- Forecasts and analyses of the Czech economy
- The CNB and the monetary policy
František Táborský, Economist - strategist
- Government bonds
- Foreign exchange market
- Fiscal policy
Free of charge for FCCC members.
Webinar is held in English. The link to the webinar will be sent to you after the registration.
We are looking forward to joining us.

Michal BrožkaSenior Economist at Komerční banka

František Táborskýeconomist at Komerční banka

Jana SteckerováEconomist at Komerční banka

Webinar : QUO VADIS, Komerční banka
L'événement est terminé.