Bilans d’évènement T.I.C. - Informatique

Digitalks The Future of transportation - Now and next

Around 20 participants in the audience and 5 experts in the panel joined in for the last DIGITALKS organized by CCFT in partnership with AXA and with Cédric Maloux CEO of StartupYard and one of our board member.

During this meeting the discussions revolved around topics such as:

  • The oil replacement in the transportation by new mechanism.
  • How to reduce the production costs? 
  • How to avoid accident on the road with smart and driverless car?
  • What about the always connected transportation of the future?

According to our experts, the limits of the electric mechanism today are the difficulty to respond to the daily demand.
- The behavior of our societies change and the mindset of the companies must be reviewed, says Mr. Voltech Fried (Head of Department Emobility & Smart city at Perazska energetika, as). 
- We are at the beginning of an electric revolution and green cars are a real challenge adds Mr. Matous Kostlivy (Valeo - University Relations Specialist). Mr. Petr Knap (EY Partner Automotive and Transportation for Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe, and Central Asia) agreed that Europe is lagging in new technologies, we are struggling with our dependence on the China and Korea. That is also why we need to think about the secondary use of batteries.

In the next part, the conversation focused on the city infrastructures and the stakeholders. All experts agreed that cooperation is needed between city and private companies is vital.

Mr Maloux specified the topic of Smart cities and the underlying technology for autonomous transport:
- What will it bring to our economy? Abundance of parking spaces? For example, the total area of parking spaces in Los Angeles takes up the area as large as four times the size of Manhattan. And where are we now in term of driverless?

"At the moment, at Valeo technology, we want to bring a full autonomy on the cars. The car today thank to the technology car park itself already, even if that means only remote supervision on the driver’s smartphone.  The potential for the future is to never park the car: today 90% of the time the car is standing and unused, 10% using only." Said Mr. Matous Kostlivy

A special speaker was on the panel,  Mr. Michal Illich, Founder and CEO, the 1rst Czech autonomous flying vehicle with vertical takeoff and landing explained us his vision of the future of transportation.
- Zuri is a pilotless plane and you can order it like a taxi but flying. It is easier to build an airplane; we are now on the certification process stage on European bases and it’s a challenge.

An infinite subject always in movement and in evolution. We are delighted to have met this panel of experts and would have liked to go further in the topics covered.

If you are courious, check the EY´  s survey about the trends in automotive sales.

If you want to participate or join the panel of experts, contact us at julia(@)

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