Bilans d’évènement • Focus RH
HR Strategy club - Digit change for HR : Culture, retention & recruitment
When a company decide to accelerate their digitalisation, that decision has an HR impact. Employees need to embrace change, get necessary support and be reinsured about their job retention. Future recruit will need to be tech savvy in addition of their specific skills and successfully address retention
On this autumn morning, the HR strategy club met around a breakfast hosted by Nová Gallery in Prague. Around twenty participants met to talk about a subject that concerns them; the Digital change for HR in culture, retention & recruitment.
In order to discuss and put forward concrete human solutions adapted to business of all sizes we have asked two experts Martina Chloupková Human Resources Director at Edenred and Serge Dupaux Head of business development at Creative Dock to join us on this event.
Martina Chloupková spend already 17 years in HR, she started in consulting in 2001 and after few years jumped in internal HR. She is interested in people and their happiness at work, graduated in IT, and a mother of 2 children she is currently in a position of HR Director in EDENRED CZ. While Serge Dupaux experiences are in general management, HR and Innovation/Disruption. Currently, running Innovation Business Development at CreativeDock he also worked as Sales Director at Edenred few years ago.
Martina explain that Digital transformation is really new. For a company 20 years old like Edenred, it started around 2010 with their first payment card but it accelerate a lot since 2015. “While new start-ups start immediately in the digital world, which makes their lives easier, says Serge, others have to adapt and find ideal solutions for the company and for the employees”. Digital change has significant impact in internal teams and people management that is why it is very important to have a good management strategy and focus on the Company culture, the recruitment using working tools and training and create a nice working environment.
The debate has turned into sharing about millennials and becoming permanently reachable thanks to technological tools. When some people like to be able to connect to their e-mail 24/7 the others have risen up and favor office schedules separated from personal life.
In a relaxed atmosphere, many reactions and experiences were shared to inspire others and brainstorm to find solutions together. Define clearly company culture & values and communicate, set hiring goals based on new specific skills needs, use new tech to monitor people satisfaction, promote knowledge transfer, were some of the many shared inspirations.
We would like to thank our speakers, all our participants and Nová Gallerie for receiving us for this HR club.
A special thanks to Serge Dupaux (our Club host) for whom this club was the last, he carried the club for the last 2 years with panache, always erudite and enjoyable. We wish him a very nice continuation hoping to see him again soon and we are pleased to welcome Renaud Chevalier Cadel who will replace him at the next club along with Johan Cheikh.
Please save the date for the next HR Strategy Club which will happen on the October 31st at Transearch and whose distinctive guest will be Dominique Tissier, former board member and former VP HR Development of Michelin !